SDF Essex weekly classes

SDF Essex weekly classes in Chelmsford Essex

What happens after attending a beginners self defence class. Club SDF Essex weekly classes are available in Great Baddow Chelmsford Essex.

Classes are on a pay-as-you-go basis. (Adults £10, Youths £7.50).

The structure of the first 6 to 8 weeks attended classes is that a variety of techniques are covered to give students a good general awareness, then beyond that skills can be refined and developed further. 

This approach covers various types of attacks, which I believe is so important.

SDF Essex Self Defence students learn to apply the most appropriate response to where or how the attack has been initiated. Addressing a punch to the side of the head, being approached from behind, escaping from a headlock, having their feet targeted. 

Dealing with a gang attack, considering a weapon attack from different directions and applying further take downs and floor techniques, including rape defence if requested.

Fights and attacks are messy, therefore knowing a range of techniques early on, even if not perfected, will help and ensure less reliance on strength alone.

SDF Essex future training

Beyond the 6 to 8 week period training focuses on making attacks a little more challenging to apply skills learnt. At the end of each class I pressure-test all students, this involves putting as many skills into practice as possible to help with avoiding freezing in an anxious situation.

Students are encouraged to struggle through more sustained attacks to help their stamina and fitness. This allows them to experiment with applying different techniques and to look for ways to increase their endurance. SDF Essex students build confidence and learn more techniques.

Please check availability and confirm attendance by making payment by the Thursday prior to weekend training.

SDF Essex self defence outdoor club classes in Great Baddow Chelmsford – 2024 (Once half day beginners classes completed)

Saturday Morning Great Baddow Chelmsford Adults only 8am to 10am

Saturday Morning Great Baddow Chelmsford Youths and Family session 10am to 11.30am